Mon 27 Jan
👉👌11 inches top! Deluxe! Vip👉👌 - 34
(Brooklyn, Long Island, Manhattan, Midtown west 10 ave and 49th, New Jersey, Queens, Staten Island)
Mon 06 Jan
🍒😜1 Ts PLAyB⭕️Y BUNNi🐰 ✔️ 👅F®∈AⓚY 💦 CR∈.@My 💦 Sєxy Dír†y Li††le PaRtY GirL💋💥11' LOVESTICK🍌 - 25
(Midtown East, west side AVILB NOW !!!)
Top & Bottom Italian Latina Transexual Party Girl 8" Busty Petite Young 100% Real ready Now - 21
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, MIDTOWN EAST-READY TO PARTY-MY APARTMENT, Other, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester)
Sun 05 Jan
= = = = = = => JESSICA _ _ _(646)474-6610 _ _ _ _ _ _ HOT Exotica_ _ _ _ _ __ West34"st - 24
(Manhattan, Manhattan (34/8Ave.. MIDTOWN) area)
Fri 03 Jan